One of the most talked about (and now frequently requested) feature in SQL Server 2012 isAlwaysOn Availability Groups. It brings SQL Server high availability and disaster recovery to a whole new level by allowing multiple copies of the database be highly available and potentially using them for read-only workloads and offloading management tasks such as backups. AlwaysOn Availability Groups allow you to fail over a group of databases as a single entity, unlike database mirroring where you can only do so one database at a time. This is very useful for applications that access multiple databases in a single SQL Server instance like SharePoint Server 2013. In fact, very recently, one of my customers had requested to configure SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn Availability Groups for their SharePoint 2013 farm. I am also seeing more and more SharePoint 2013 farms leveraging on the SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn Availability Groups for both high availability and disaster recovery. 
This step-by-step has been created to help you get started in creating a SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn Availability Group for your mission-critical databases.


  • Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC). AlwaysOn Availability Groups rely on the Windows Server Failover Cluster for failure detection and management of the Availability Group replicas. This is where a lot of customers get confused because of their previous knowledge of Microsoft Cluster Services (MSCS.) In previous versions of Windows Server, you need shared storage to create a failover cluster for the quorum disk. Windows Server 2008 and higher provided the option to use a file share witness as a quorum configuration. Therefore, you DO NOT need shared storage to create a Windows Server Failover Cluster for AlwaysOn Availability Groups. This, of course, does not change the requirement if you intend to use a SQL Server Failover Clustered Instance (FCI) as a replica in your Availability Group. For this step-by-step, we will only be working with standalone SQL Server 2012 default instances.
  • Download SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition. AlwaysOn Availability Group is an Enterprise Edition feature. Before deciding to implement this feature, take stock of your SQL Server licenses to make sure you have enough to get you covered. If you intend to use the other replicas for read-only workloads or offloading your backups, you would need licenses for those SQL Server instances as well. This is also another one of those items that customers get confused with because in previous versions of SQL Server, database mirroring can be configured with Standard Edition. 
  • Same SQL Server collation for all replicas. I usually don’t recommend running databases with different collation requirements in the same SQL Server instance due to potential issues caused by applications using temporary tables. This is one of the reasons for keeping the database collation the same for a single instance (SharePoint 2013 also requires a specific collation for the content databases.) If you want to configure AlwaysOn Availability Groups for your databases, they should all be running the same collation on all of the SQL Server instances acting as replicas.
  • Two to Five SQL Server Instances acting as replicas. SQL Server instances that will be used as a standby for high availability and/or disaster recovery are called replicas. Unlike database mirroring where you can only have one extra copy of the database, AlwaysOn Availability Groups allow you to have up to five copies of the database running on five replicas – three of which can be configured for synchronous-commit mode and two in asynchronous-commit mode.